Casady Sweeps OU Engineering Open House

On October 27, the honors physics, AP chemistry and AP physics students of Casady traveled to Norman to compete in the annual Engineering Open House. The students competed in both written math, physics, and chemistry tests, and building projects, ranging from egg drops to bridges. A total of *29(unsure of number) went to the event.Casady performed exceptionally at the open house, with a total of 15 students bringing home awards. In the math written exam, senior Calvin Tolbert carried first place, and seniors Symon Ma, Jack Ryan, and Barry Zhang took second. In the chemistry exam, Symon Ma won first place and Jack Ryan and junior Justin Schneider tied for second place. The first place spot for physics was a tie between Jack Ryan and Vinay Chandrasekaran, and second place was won by Barry Zhang.The engineering competitions consisted of several building projects, with students either bringing in premade structures to compete with, or building with material provided by the organization. In the engineering competitions, Daniel Schnabel won first place in computer science. For the first time in Casady history, students won the pipe rally competition, with Alex Coleman, Barry Zhang, Linus Park, and Symon Ma winning as a team. Several juniors competed in various engineering competitions as well.


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