Vote! Why You Should Vote and How to Register

Voting is your most powerful weapon of democracy. Only 11% of young voters in Oklahoma voted in the last election for governor. That's really upsetting, but this year we can change that statistic. I cannot emphasize how important voting is. You have the opportunity to make a change and use your voice, so use it! You have so much power in your hands. Voting is a right so many people have fought for. White women have only been able to vote since 1920. All Native Americans could not vote until 1924. Chinese immigrants could not vote until 1943. Black people were technically given the right to vote in 1870, but Jim Crow laws made it basically impossible until they were outlawed in 1965. In 1971, the voting age was changed from 21 to 18. So many people have fought for the right to vote and risked so much because voting is extremely important. If people were willing to give their life to vote, shouldn’t you be willing to give a couple minutes? I know a lot of people “don’t care about politics,” but politics affects every aspect of our lives.  We should not turn a blind eye to it. Even if you do care about politics, you may feel like your vote does not matter. It does! You have the power. Even if you don’t vote, the people you disagree with will. Hey, I know the old ladies who run the polling stations are scary, so I want to answer your questions. Voting is easy. Before you can vote, you have to register. Here’s a link to the voter registration form: .It only takes a couple minutes. After you fill it out, either mail it or take it to the Oklahoma State Election Board. You can also fill out the form at a tag agency and they will mail it for you.  You have to be registered by October 12 to vote in the midterms. If you want to send your registration in the mail, it must be sent by the 11th.Once you’re registered, you just need to find your polling station. Here’s a link where you can find yours: an informed voter. Research your candidates and the state questions. Then, show up at your polling station on November 6.


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