What is Trump Doing at Mar-a-Lago?

Ford Watkins, Politics EditorWell, he's not vacationing. Or at least that's what Trump says.According to the White House's official message, Donald Trump would be not only celebrating Thanksgiving with his lovely family, but also improving progress on tax reform and other items on the incredibly busy (golf, golf, golf) Trump agenda.A reporter that travels with Donald Trump wrote this on Wednesday as well:While the White House communications staff expects the press pool to have a ‘low-key day,’ the president will NOT have a low-key day and has a full schedule of meetings and phone calls.”The all-caps has to sell you on the fact that they are SLAMMED, right?According to the NBC News Tally, Donald Trump has visited his own properties 100 times, and has visited those with golf courses 78 times. This means that Donald Trump has visited one of his properties 30% of the days he's been in office.I see two problems here. First of which is the blatant hypocrisy, considering Trump's critique on Obama's time golfing in a tweet back in 2014:“Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.”The second problem is Trump's lack of work ethic to work on problems he wanted to "fix." Right now is a crucial time for tax reform and legislation, which seems to be the only reason the White House report suggested to mention it.I propose the One Week Rule. If there is no progress or any legitimate media coverage in a week, Trump probably hasn't worked on it. So, a week from now, we will know how much work Trump has devoted into executing one of many flamboyant opinions people voted him into office for. 


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